Bobbie McPhail is a Perth-based Naturopath and Nutritionist providing natural healthcare solutions for women across all stages of life.
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When it comes to improving our health, I'm a firm believer that the first step is understanding where our health is today. Knowing what to measure and how to intervene through lifestyle, is key. Some of the earliest warning signs appear in blood work. Even if your blood work has been perfect your whole life and your diet and exercise routine hasn't changed, you'll want to watch for these common menopausal changes.
I often meet someone in practice for the first time and they say, ‘I have no idea what a naturopath is! I’m just here because my wife/friend/workmate/brother etc. told me I must come.’ And while I love hearing this, I thought it might be worth answering this question for those people who too might be wondering?
There are few subjects as confusing as nutrition. Countless diets exist on the market, all contradicting each other. One claims to eat this, the next to avoid that. It’s no wonder people are confused! It’s time to get back to basics.
Midlife sees a myriad of changes to your body, including your skin. Many of my clients complain of suddenly developing rosacea, acne, eczema, dry itchy skin and sagging - seemingly overnight. No matter what age or stage you’re at, it’s never too late to transform your skin. Here I’ve listed some do’s and don’ts to ensure you continue to age beautifully.
Many of us don’t make the connection between forgetfulness and perimenopause, instead blaming it on the stress of juggling work/life/family. Your brain is home to lots of oestrogen receptors so when hormone levels dip during perimenopause, your memory, concentration and ability to think clearly can be affected.
Muscle is very easy to lose, especially once you hit the menopause transition. Many women only become aware of this in their 40s, as they start to feel that they no longer recognize their bodies, describing them as softer, rounder, and less responsive to exercise.
This week I spent time at Nanga Bush Camp talking with the young leaders of @zero2hero Camp Hero program. We talked about the influence their food choices can have on how they think and how they can make them feel. Their enthusiasm for change always leaves me inspired and I’m grateful for their huge energy. It might sound surprising to some, but young people are really keen to alter their diet if they believe it will improve their mood.
Good nutrition is part of a good study plan and learning how to properly fuel your brain and body helps you to stay happy and focused while you learn. Whether you’re a student or the parent of a child sitting school exams, here are the basics of what to eat to encourage better productivity and academic performance.
Sure, intermittent fasting may be popular. And maybe your brother or your boyfriend or your husband or even your dad has found it works really well for them. But women are different than men, and our bodies have different needs. The most important thing to do when considering a new diet is to ask yourself, is this diet right for you as an individual – particularly as a woman.
When it comes to weight loss, it’s usually diet and exercise that we think of first to achieve a healthy weight. But what if the solution was as simple as getting an extra hour of sleep a night?

Bobbie McPhail BHSc(Nat) practices at Perth’s Centre of Excellence for Naturopathic Medicine, Perth Health and Fertility, and is currently completing her Master of Women’s Health Medicine. Bobbie is wholehearted about delivering exceptional quality natural healthcare for women of all ages and has a genuine love for helping women take control of their health, naturally.
“I wanted to drop you a note to tell you that you have had such a positive impact on my whole life. As you know I had been trying to lose weight and get healthier for such a very long time by visiting my GP, dieticians and other traditional health care professionals without any results. I am a 61 year old woman who was told by these professionals that it would be near to impossible to lose weight at my age. I had high cholesterol and the start of cardiovascular disease. Luckily for me my wonderful daughter suggested that I go and see you. I had doubts but decided I would give it a go, thank goodness that I did. You were the first person to actually listen to what I had to say and treated me with such respect and understanding, I can’t even put into words how that impacted on me, I am so grateful. You had me take extensive blood tests which gave you an overview of where my body was at and what I needed to do. Well here I am 9 months later, feeling like I am 10 years younger and having lost 15 kilos. My thinking is so much clearer and my body is pain free and feeling great. I sleep like a log again and I am waking up feeling refreshed everyday. I even completes the Busselton Jetty swim for the first time. You have changed my life and words cannot express how grateful I am for that”.
Super excited with the changes I've noticed after a few months working with Bobbie. I went in unsure if Bobbie could help me with one thing, and ended up seeing positive change in a whole bunch of areas! I really appreciate her calm and curious holistic approach, I always feel very comfortable and empowered. Initially being concerned I was off base seeking help, Bobbie’s open, warm manner helped make an exciting difference to my overall mental and physical wellbeing. Highly recommend seeing Bobbie if you are seeking to enhance your wellbeing in any way. Thanks so much Bobbie for all your time and care, and for making such a difference!
“This programme has been a positive and a life changing experience for me which is something I really needed. I wanted to lose at least 10 kilo's and learn how to eat properly to keep the weight off. Bobbie explained everything so I had a good understanding of what I was following and had all the fact sheets to refer to. Everything I prepared was fresh and easy to buy and prepare. Her recipes are really tasty! She was only an email away if I needed advice or had any concerns. Blood tests were taken at the beginning and end to evaluate my health from the inside, rather than just the kilo's or centimetres I had lost. I highly recommend Bobbie to teach you how to get your life back on track and shed those kilo's and keep them off. Thank you Bobbie, I couldn't have done it without you!”.
“I began seeing Bobbie 6 months ago when I finally gave up on constantly running and going to gym and yet gaining weight like never before. I have always been happy with my weight and body image but for some reason I started gaining weight drastically (in my view) in the last 2 years. I tried going to gym and running but it didn’t do anything. I was also feeling tired all the time and low energy. Bobbie asked me to get some tests done to see exactly what’s happening. After that I was given a diet to follow and advise on a healthier lifestyle with my sleeping routine and managing stress. I have to say the being on the diet was easier that I had thought initially. This was possible because Bobbie gave me alternative recipes to replace the things I liked such as bread and rice. In just 3 months I lost 5 kilos and have managed to keep it so far after another 3 months. With the diet I immediately felt less tired and had more energy and am still like that. It really feels good to feel good, lighter and healthier. Thanks Bobbie!”.
“So, we met up with Bobbie at Perth Health & Fertility today to discuss nutrition for my tween who exercises A LOT! I couldn’t believe how much preparation she had done in preparation for our appointment. She had broken down the information in an easy to understand way so that we could learn a lot in a short session and gave us some amazing notes and guides to take away with us. So excited to work along side her to help my daughter’s health, well being and performance. Thanks Bobbie”.
“I have been on a diet of some sort or another for over 20 years. ONE session with Bobbie and I was on a manageable weekly plan to make some simple adjustments to my daily life. AND I actually did it for more than a few days AND I felt great doing it! Bobbie is so incredibly personal, but professional at the same time. She acknowledges my weaknesses, whilst challenging me to be stronger. I am new to this journey with Perth Health and Fertility and would recommend them to anyone who is ready to take a step forward in health, diet and personal well being”.