Charlotte, WA

“I wanted to drop you a note to tell you that you have had such a positive impact on my whole life. As you know I had been trying to lose weight and get healthier for such a very long time by visiting my GP, dieticians and other traditional health care professionals without any results. I am a 61 year old woman who was told by these professionals that it would be near to impossible to lose weight at my age. I had high cholesterol and the start of cardiovascular disease. Luckily for me my wonderful daughter suggested that I go and see you. I had doubts but decided I would give it a go, thank goodness that I did. You were the first person to actually listen to what I had to say and treated me with such respect and understanding, I can’t even put into words how that impacted on me, I am so grateful. You had me take extensive blood tests which gave you an overview of where my body was at and what I needed to do. Well here I am 9 months later, feeling like I am 10 years younger and having lost 15 kilos. My thinking is so much clearer and my body is pain free and feeling great. I sleep like a log again and I am waking up feeling refreshed everyday. I even completes the Busselton Jetty swim for the first time. You have changed my life and words cannot express how grateful I am for that”.


Lynette, WA