How to eat in your 40s. What you need to know about mid-life nutrition.
There are few subjects as confusing as nutrition. Countless diets exist on the market, all contradicting each other. One claims to eat this, the next to avoid that. It’s no wonder people are confused! It’s time to get back to basics.
The fog of menopause
Many of us don’t make the connection between forgetfulness and perimenopause, instead blaming it on the stress of juggling work/life/family. Your brain is home to lots of oestrogen receptors so when hormone levels dip during perimenopause, your memory, concentration and ability to think clearly can be affected.
Muscle is your super power in midlife.
Muscle is very easy to lose, especially once you hit the menopause transition. Many women only become aware of this in their 40s, as they start to feel that they no longer recognize their bodies, describing them as softer, rounder, and less responsive to exercise.
Is Intermittent Fasting Beneficial for Women?
Sure, intermittent fasting may be popular. And maybe your brother or your boyfriend or your husband or even your dad has found it works really well for them. But women are different than men, and our bodies have different needs. The most important thing to do when considering a new diet is to ask yourself, is this diet right for you as an individual – particularly as a woman.