The fog of menopause
Many of us don’t make the connection between forgetfulness and perimenopause, instead blaming it on the stress of juggling work/life/family. Your brain is home to lots of oestrogen receptors so when hormone levels dip during perimenopause, your memory, concentration and ability to think clearly can be affected.
Here’s how to pack on abdominal fat in just two weeks: sleep for 4 hours a night!
When it comes to weight loss, it’s usually diet and exercise that we think of first to achieve a healthy weight. But what if the solution was as simple as getting an extra hour of sleep a night?
Could your weight gain be caused by stress?
Weight gain is one of the most common complaints of perimenopause but it doesn’t need to be. There are a few things to consider… thyroid health, insulin resistance, poor sleep causing high cortisol… and stress!